§ 22-161.7. Suspension or revocation of rights and privileges.  

Latest version.
  • Any person licensed or electrical contractor registered in the City of Ottawa under this chapter may have his license or registration suspended or revoked by the electrical commission for cause, after notice and an opportunity to be heard in his own defense. Upon notification from the building official and electrical inspector of one or more violations listed herein, the electrical commission shall investigate and determine if suspension or revocation of rights and privileges is appropriate. If the electrical commission, by majority vote, determines that suspension or revocation is in order, the mandate takes effect immediately and stays in effect during any appeal process. Cause for suspension or revocation of a license or registration shall include, but shall not be limited to:


    Refusal or failure to make any necessary corrections to electrical work within a reasonable time after notification of the defects therein;


    Failure to obtain electrical permits;


    Transfer of electrical permits or license;


    Failure to call for required inspections;


    Unwillingness or inability to install electrical work in accordance with the terms and provisions of this chapter;


    Violation of any provision of this chapter;


    False representations.

    All appeals of the decisions of the electrical commission shall be made to the city council. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this Code or the rules legally adopted hereunder have been incorrectly interpreted, the provisions of this Code do not apply, or the requirements of this Code are adequately satisfied by other means.

(Ord. No. O13-2008, § 2, 4-1-2008)